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AllAboutLilyChou-Chou(RiriShushunoSubete) film screenings at the Cornerhouse, Manchester

27Septemberto3October 2002

Dir.ShunjiIwai,2001; Cert. TBC;2hr26min;Subtitled>?

Notafilmabouttheeponymouspopstarwiththehauntingstylebutallabouttheteenboyswhoworshipher,andusetheir'Lilyphilia'toescapethepainfulrealitiesoftheiryounglives--achingloneliness,bullying,betrayal,andunexpectedtragedy. Thefilmhasavivid,oftenstartling(HighDefinitionvideo)visualimagery,LilyChou-Chouoffersastriking,unsentimentalportraitofschooldays.


For more information about this film, see the Internet Movie Database.

Ticket prices:

AlldetailstakenfromtheSeptember 2002CornerhouseCalendarandmaybesubjecttochange. See the Cornerhouse website for full details.

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