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Saturday7September 2002

InterdoodleisheldonthefirstSaturdayofeverymonth at the GreenRoom,WhitworthStreet, Manchester. "Doodlers"congregatetocreateoriginalworksofart,heavilyinfluencedbygraffiti,popandmangaart. Participationisencouraged! Ittakesplacefrom 5:00pmuntil10:00pmandisfreeofcharge(detailsmaybesubjecttochange).

Thismonth'sDoodlebug(Saturday7September 2002)isInternationalDoodlebugDay. Itisbeingheld at the Cornerhouse,OxfordRoad, Manchester,from2:00pmuntil8:00pm,andisfree.

Therewillalsobeanafterparty at the CircleClub,byinvitationonly. Inviteswillbeavailable at the dayevent.

For more details, see the Doodlebugwebsite.

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