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Japanese films at the Leeds International Film Festival

Friday3toSunday12November 2006

The Leeds International Film Festivalisanannualeventshowcasingnumerousfilmsfromaroundtheworldoveratwoweekperiod. This year's festival takes place from 2to12November 2006andfeaturesanumberofJapanesefilm screenings,bothanimeandlive-action,atvariouscinemasinLeeds.

Theanimehighlightofthisyear'sfestivalistheUKpremierofPaprika,thelatestfilmbyrenowneddirectorSatoshiKon(Perfect Blue,MilleniumActress,ParanoiaAgent).


Date Time Venue Screening More information Friday
3November 2006 5:15pm-7:00pm TheCarriageworks LittleBirds(RitoruBaazu-IrakuSenkaNoKazoku-tachi) Saturday
4November 2006 3:15pm- 5:00pm Hyde Park Picture House EndofSummer(Kohayagawa-keNoAki) IMDBentry 4:45pm-7:30pm TheCarriageworks ParanoiaAgent(MousouDairinin)episodes1-6 IMDBentry Sunday
5November 2006 5:00am-6:30am TheCarriageworks MeatballMachine(MitoboroMashin) IMDBentry 7:00pm-10:10pm TheCarriageworks ParanoiaAgent(MousouDairinin)episodes7-13 IMDBentry Monday
6November 2006 1:15pm-3:00pm TheCarriageworks LittleBirds(RitoruBaazu-IrakuSenkaNoKazoku-tachi) Wednesday
8November 2006 3:30pm-4:55pm VueCinemasat TheLight Analife(Anaraifu) IMDBentry Friday
10November 2006 9:00pm-10:30pm VueCinemasat TheLight Paprika IMDBentry 9:00pm-10:40pm Hyde Park Picture House TheWorldSinksExceptJapan(NihonIgaiZenbuChinbotsu) IMDBentry Saturday
11November 2006 1:00pm-2:40pm Hyde Park Picture House ArthouseUltraman(UrutoramanMakkusu)episodes1-4 IMDBentry 1:00pm-3:25pm VueCinemasat TheLight TheTasteofTea(ChaNoAji) IMDBentry 3:00pm-4:35pm Hyde Park Picture House CalamariWrestler(IkaResuraa) IMDBentry 4:00pm-5:30pm VueCinemasat TheLight Paprika IMDBentry 5:00pm-6:25pm Hyde Park Picture House ExecutiveKoala(KoalaKacho) IMDBentry 7:00pm-8:40pm Hyde Park Picture House ArthouseUltraman(UrutoramanMakkusu)episodes1-4 IMDBentry 8:30pm-10:00pm VueCinemasat TheLight Paprika IMDBentry Sunday
12November 2006 5:30am-7:10am Hyde Park Picture House WildZero IMDBentry 1:30pm-4:00pm Hyde Park Picture House FunkyForest:TheFirstContact(NaisuNoMori) IMDBentry 4:30pm-6:10pm Hyde Park Picture House TheWorldSinksExceptJapan(NihonIgaiZenbuChinbotsu) IMDBentry


The tickets prices for most of the screenings are:

  • Full price: GBP 6.00
  • Concessions: GBP 4.50

Specialofferuntil2November 2006:5ticketsforthepriceof4.

See the festival website for details of ticket prices and where to purchase them.

All details may be subject to change. Please check the Festivalwebsite for the latest details.