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NanimeW Japanese cinema & music night

Wednesday7October 2009

ANanimeWJapanesecinemaandmusicnighttookplaceonWednesday7October 2009, upstairs in the café bar at the Greenroom on Whitworth Street, Manchester (beneath Oxford Road train station).


Suit(fromtheJamFilmsSanthology) Gala(fromtheGeniusPartyBeyondanthology) DimensionBomb(fromtheGeniusPartyBeyondanthology)
7:30pm : music : DJ Happosai
8:00pm : live-action short :
8:15pm : anime short :
8:30pm : anime short :
8:50pm : music : DJCurfew
9:25pm : live-action film : SukiyakiWesternDjango
11:00pm : music : DJ Happosai
11:30pm : finish

See the meetings section for dates of future NanimeW nights.

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