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Ultra-Kitty Japanese film & music night at Fab Café, Manchester

Monday25October 2010

Afterahiatusoverthesummerwhilstthevenue,Fab Café,wasbeingrefurbished, Manchester'slong-runningJ-popnight,Ultra-Kitty,returns,nowtakingplaceonthe last Monday of every month.Thenightsnowstartat7:30pmwithJapanesefilm screenings,courtesyofNanimeW,followedbyDJ Max OblivionplayingJapanese(andotherAsian)popmusicfrom10:00pmuntil2:00am.


7:30pm : anime film : Kakurenbo:HideandSeek
8:00pm : live-action film : TheGreatYokaiWar(YoukaiDaisensou)
10:00pm : music : DJ Max Oblivion
2:00am : finish

TherewillalsobestallssellingJapanese-relatedgoodsandsakeandJapanesebeeravailable at the bar.

Entry is free-of-charge.

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