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Arrietty(Kari-gurashiNoArietti) film screenings in theNorth-WestofEngland

FromFriday29July 2011

Dir.HiromasaYonebayashi,2010; Cert. U;1hr34min;Subtitled/dubbed>?

ArriettyisanenchantingadaptationofTheBorrowersfromthemastersofJapaneseanimation,StudioGhibli. ArriettyisayoungBorrower,oneofafamilyoftinypeoplelivingunderthefloorboardsofahouseandincloseproximitytothehumanoccupants. WhenArriettybreaksthemostimportantBorrowerruleandinteractswithoneofthehumanchildren,shedoesallshecantoprotecttheBorrowers’wayoflife.

For more information about this film, see the Internet Movie Database.

Thisfilmisbeingshown at the followingcinemasintheNorth-WestofEnglandfromFriday29July 2011:


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