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Villain(Akunin) film screening at the Cornerhouse, Manchester

Tuesday18October 2011

Dir.Sang-ilLee,2010; Cert. 15;2hr20min;Subtitled>?

BasedonthepopularJapanesecrimenoirnovel,VillainfollowstheseeminglymundanelivesofshopgirlMitsuyo(EriFukatsu)andconstructionworkerYuichi(SatoshiTsumebuki)whomeetonaninternetdatingsite. Yuichi,however,issuspectedofalocalmurderandeventspriortotheirmeetingarerevealed,exposingeveryoneinvolvedasnotthepeopletheyappeartobe. WinningfiveJapaneseAcademyAwards,includingBestActorandActress,LeeSang-il'sdirectionisauthoritativeyetnuanced,whilstHayaoMiyazaki'sregularcomposerJoeHisaishicomplimentswithanintense,melodramaticscore.

ThescreeningwillbeintroducedbyDrRyokoSasamotofromtheDepartmentofLanguages at ManchesterMetropolitanUniversity.

For more information about this film, see the Internet Movie Database.

Ticket prices:

All details taken from the Cornerhouse website and may be subject to change. See the Cornerhouse website for full details.

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